Original Document:


The “China” report by the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament provides an in-depth analysis of the perceived threats and challenges posed by China to the UK. Here are the key points:

  1. Overview: The report discusses China’s interest in the UK and the ‘whole-of-state’ threat it poses. It also outlines the inquiry’s purpose and the need for the UK to protect itself (Page 1).
  2. National Security Threat to the UK: The report identifies China as a significant national security threat to the UK, but does not provide specific details in the summary (Page 9).
  3. China’s Aims and Ambitions: The report discusses China’s aims and ambitions, including its desire for economic advantage and political influence. It also discusses what China wants from the UK (Pages 11-15).
  4. What is China Seeking in the UK?: The report outlines China’s objectives in the UK, including political influence and economic advantage. It also discusses the activities of the Chinese intelligence services (Pages 19-28).
  5. Espionage: The report discusses China’s espionage activities, including gathering human intelligence and conducting cyber operations (Pages 31-34).
  6. Interference: The report discusses China’s interference in the UK, including in government, elections, media, and the Chinese diaspora in the UK (Pages 37-45).
  7. How is the UK Responding?: The report discusses the UK’s response to the Chinese threat, including balancing conflicting priorities and implementing a joined-up approach (Pages 49-52).
  8. The ‘Strategy’: Frameworks, Plans and Pillars: The report discusses the UK’s strategy for dealing with China, including the China Senior Responsible Owner and National Strategy Implementation Group, the China Framework, and the Intelligence Outcomes Prioritisation process (Pages 55-65).
  9. HMG Resourcing: The report discusses the resources allocated by Her Majesty’s Government (HMG) to deal with the Chinese threat, including resources for SIS, GCHQ, MI5, and JIO (Pages 69-72).
  10. Defending the UK: The report discusses the UK’s defensive measures against China, including the roles of CPNI and NCSC, and the challenges in tackling Chinese spying and interference operations (Pages 75-81).

The report also includes case studies on academia, industry and technology, and civil nuclear energy, discussing China’s interference and investments in these sectors, and the UK government’s response (Pages 102-175).