In the recently released “Threat Intelligence Report 2023” by Nokia, the company provides an in-depth analysis of the current cybersecurity landscape, particularly focusing on telecom networks and customer data. The report offers valuable insights into the evolving threat environment, identifying key trends, and providing actionable intelligence to help organizations bolster their security postures.

Key findings from the report include:

  • A significant 60% of attacks on telecom mobile networks are linked to Internet of Things (IoT) bots. These bots scan for vulnerable hosts to expand their botnets, primarily for use in distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.
  • More than one-third (35%) of the detected malware attacks were either ad-click bots, crypto-miners, or banking trojans.
  • The rise of IoT and cloud technologies in both residential and enterprise networks has contributed significantly to the expansion of botnets, which have become a major generator of DDoS traffic.
  • Communications service providers (CSPs) are struggling to keep up with the latest threats. More than 30% of CSP respondents to a Nokia/GlobalData survey said they had experienced eight or more breaches in the last 12 months.
  • More than half of the CSP respondents said fragmented tools make it difficult to effectively implement security capabilities across various systems and use cases.

For further reading and more detailed insights, you can visit the following links:

  1. Official Nokia Threat Intelligence Report 2023
  2. Nokia’s LinkedIn Post on the Report
  3. Electropages’ Article on Nokia’s 2023 Threat Intelligence Report
  4. Yahoo Finance’s Coverage of the Report

Credit: Nokia’s Threat Intelligence Report 2023